• Vitamin A

    1. Description: A fat soluble vitamin that requires fats and other minerals to be properly absorbed by your digestive tract. It can be stored in your body and need not be placed everyday. It is found in 2 forms, retinol, and carotene.

    2. Benefits: Vitamin A can counteract night blindness, weak eyesight, and aid in the treatment in many eye disorders. It helps build resistance against respiratory infections, aids in helping the immune system function properly, shortens the duration of diseases, and helps keep the outer layers of organs and tissues healthy.

    3. Fun Fact: When applied topically, it can help with acne, superficial wrinkles, impetigo, boils, and open ulcers.

  • B Complex

    1. Description: B complex is a combo of your B vitamins, including B1 (thiamine) through B6 (Pyridoxine). The B vitamins work better together, making a complex ideal for supplementation.

    2. Benefits: Each of the vitamins in b complex do something different, (see below for specifics). However, they all work to prevent disease, prevent anemia, have been linked to prevention of certain cancers, as well as help the body produce healthy new skin cells.

    3. Fun Fact: The B vitamins’ main work is to turn food into energy, especially in the breakdown in proteins and carbohydrates. This means, your b vitamins will help if you are on a weight loss journey!

  • B1 (Thiamine)

    1. Description: A water soluble vitamin that must be replaced daily, since any excess is excreted. Thiamine also has a mild diuretic effect, and is known as the “Morale Vitamin,” due to its beneficial effects on the nervous system and mental attitude.

    2. Benefits: Promotes growth, aids in digestion, (especially carbohydrates), improves mental attitude, and can help relieve dental post-operative pain. It also keeps your nervous system, muscles, and heart functioning normally.

    3. Fun Fact: Known to get car, sea, or air sick? Thiamine helps prevent these, therefore, add thiamine to your regimen before any long trip or cruise vacation!

  • B2 (Riboflavin)

    1. Description: Riboflavin is also known as Vitamin G. Another water soluble vitamin that is not stored, so therefore, must be replaced daily. America’s most common vitamin deficiency is riboflavin. It is also the first vitamin used up in any stressful situations.

    2. Benefits: Riboflavin helps aid in growth and reproduction. It can help promote healthy hair, skin, and nails, can help eliminate sore mouth, lips, and tongue, (especially in radiation therapy), and it works as an antioxidant, reducing cell damage from free radicals. Riboflavin also helps with improving vision, as well as the prevention of cataracts. It also helps alleviate migraine headaches.

    3. Fun Fact: In a recent study, patients who consumed at least 400mg daily of B2 had a 50 percent decrease in frequency, severity, and duration of migraines.

  • B3 (Niacin)

    1. Description: Another member of the b complex family, Niacin is a water soluble vitamin that can bring about negative personality changes when a person is deficient. Niacin is essential for the synthesis of sex hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. It is necessary for a healthy nervous system and brain functions.

    2. Benefits: Niacin can help reduce cholesterol and triglycerides, it can aid in metabolizing fats and promotes a healthy digestive system by alleviating gastrointestinal disturbances. It helps increase circulation and reduces high blood pressure, increases energy, and can help eliminate canker sores and bad breath. It can also relieve symptoms of Meniere’s disease, such as vertigo.

    3. Fun Fact: Looking for that glow in your skin? Niacin is your answer. It promotes healthier looking skin. However, if you are a gout patient, stay away from Niacin as it interferes with the breakdown of uric acid.

  • NAD

    1. Description: NAD is an abbreviation for the coenzyme, Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide. It is critical in the production of energy, as well as regulation of key bodily functions. As you age, NAD in your body decreases significantly. It helps convert nutrients into energy, and helps maintain healthy DNA. By improving your cellular levels of NAD, you can slow the aging process. (We call it, “The Fountain of Youth!”)

    2. Benefits: NAD improves energy, mental clarity, and mood. It has been used in the treatment of depression, anxiety, and addiction. It is effective in reducing cravings and fatigue. It also helps to improve post-workout recovery.

    3. Fun Fact: NAD is one of the most abundant and crucial molecules in our cells. Without NAD, we would die in 30 seconds!

  • B5 (Dexpanthenol/Pantothenic Acid)

    1. Description: A water soluble b vitamin that helps in cell building, maintaining normal growth, and development of the central nervous system. It is also vital for proper functioning of the adrenal glands, which is responsible for hormone production that assists with blood pressure, immune system, metabolism, and your response to stress. Dexpanthenol is also necessary for the synthesis of antibodies.

    2. Benefits: B5 can aid in wound healing, fights infection by building immunity and antibodies, treats postoperative shock, prevents fatigue, and lowers cholesterol and triglycerides.

    3. Fun Fact: Being treated with antibiotics and hate the side effects? Increase your B5. Dexpanthenol has been known to reduce adverse and toxic effects of most antibiotics. It is also helpful in eliminating tingling hands and feet for patients suffering with neuropathy.

  • B6 (Pyridoxine)

    1. Description: Pyridoxine is a combination of the following substances: pyridoxine, pyridoxal, and pyridoxamine. It must be present for the production of antibodies and red blood cells. It is also required for the proper production of B12.

    2. Benefits: In combination with folic acid, it can decrease your risk for heart disease significantly. Pyridoxine can also help with strengthening the immune system, and helps aid in the conversion of tryptophan, which is your “feel-good,” naturally occurring amino acid. B6 is also great for preventing nausea in pregnant women. It also works as a natural diuretic.

    3. Fun Fact: If high protein diets are consumed, B6 must be replaced. By doing so, you help aid in the prevention of kidney stone formation. Also, if you are taking tricyclic antidepressants and are experiencing the dry mouth and urination side effects that go along with those medications, increase your B6 for some relief

  • B7 (Biotin)

    1. Description: Also known as Coenzyme R or Vitamin H, this water soluble, sulfur containing, b-complex family member is essential for normal metabolism of fat and protein. It is also required for the synthesis of ascorbic acid, (Vitamin C).

    2. Benefits: Biotin can aid in the prevention of hair turning gray, helps in preventative treatment for baldness, eases muscle pains, alleviates eczema and dermatitis, and can help heal and prevent cracked, split, or brittle nails.

    3. Fun Fact: Raw egg whites can stop the absorption of biotin. Therefore, if you make protein shakes that include raw eggs, you should include biotin supplementation in your diet.

  • B9 (Folic Acid/Folate)

    1. Description: Also known as Vitamin M, this water soluble b complex family member is essential to the formation of red blood cells and aids in protein metabolism. Folic acid is essential for the division of body cells, as well as the production of nucleic acids in DNA and RNA.

    2. Benefits: Folate can lower homocysteine levels and reduce the risk of heart disease. This vitamin is essential for fetal development and can help protect against birth defects. Folic acid also helps improve lactation. It can aid in protecting against intestinal parasites and food poisoning, as well as help promote healthier, younger-looking skin.

    3. Fun Fact: Chronic pain ruining your day? Increase your folic acid. This can act as an analgesic for pain.

  • B12 (Cobalamin)

    1. Description: A water soluble b vitamin that is effective in small doses and is the only vitamin that contains essential mineral elements. B12 is not well assimilated throughout the body and we generally need a replacement source. It also needs to be combined with calcium during absorption to properly benefit the body.

    2. Benefits: B12 forms and regenerates red blood cells, which prevents anemia. It also helps break down homocysteine levels and increases energy. B12 can help in alleviating depression and helps maintain a healthy nervous system. B12 properly utilizes fats, carbohydrates, and proteins, which can help with weight loss. It also helps relieve irritability. Memory, concentration, and balance can all be aided with proper B12 levels.

    3. Fun Fact: 1 in 4 people walk around with a genetic condition known as MTHFR, where your body does not metabolize B12, unless it is a methylated form. Constantly fatigued? Unable to regulate a good sleep schedule? Methylated B12 might be your answer!

  • Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)

    1. Description: A powerful antioxidant that is also water soluble and must be found in food sources and supplementation since it is not synthesized on its own. Vitamin C plays a primary role in the formation of collage, which helps grow and repair body-tissue cells, blood vessels, bones, and teeth. It is also used up rapidly in stressful situations.

    2. Benefits: Vitamin C can heal wounds, burns, and bleeding gums. It is known to increase effectiveness of medications for a UTI, accelerates healing after surgery, and can aid in preventing and healing many viral and bacterial infections. Essentially, it is used to help enhance your immune system. It can also help with decreasing blood cholesterol. Ascorbic acid has been used to offer protection against cancer, as well as counteract the formation of nitrosamines, (cancer-causing substances). Vitamin C is also a natural blood thinner, therefore, can lower the incidence of blood clots. This vitamin also helps lower both, systolic, and diastolic blood pressure.

    3. Fun Fact: If you have ever been diagnosed with anemia and are taking iron, you need to also take vitamin C. Without it, there is little to no absorption of inorganic iron. If you take a chewable version of Vitamin C, make sure to brush your teeth afterwards. Leaving ascorbic acid on your teeth can ruin your enamel.

  • Vitamin D

    1. Description: A fat soluble vitamin that is acquired through sunlight or food. However, smog reduces its absorption properties, and if you have a sunburn or suntan, vitamin D absorption stops through the skin. Vitamin D helps with proper absorption of calcium and phosphorus.

    2. Benefits: There are many links to autoimmune disorders and little to no vitamin D in the body; type I diabetes, MS, RA, stroke, heart disease, dementia, Parkinson’s, and many cancers. Vitamin D helps boost your immune system and itt helps prevent seasonal affective disorder, (SAD), by keeping the brain regulated with serotonin. It can help in the treatment of diabetes and Alzheimer’s. Taking vitamin D daily can significantly lower your risk for breast, colon, prostate, and ovarian cancers. When taken with vitamins A and C, it can significantly reduce your chances of getting a cold or the flu. It is also needed for assimilating vitamin A. The body’s ability to absorb Vitamin D declines with age. Alsom if you are a Crohn’s, cystic fibrosis, or celiac patient, you should absolutely be supplementing with vitamin D.

    3. Fun Fact: Having trouble with weight loss? Low levels of vitamin D can cause a dip in hormones that regulate appetite, impairing the brain’s signal that lets us know when we are full, leading to unwanted weight gain!

  • Vitamin E

    1. Description: A fat soluble vitamin stored in your liver, fatty tissues, heart, muscles, testes, uterus, blood, and adrenal and pituitary glands. It is a vitamin composed of a family of natural compounds composed of tocopherols and tocotrienols. An active antioxidant, vitamin C prevents oxidation of fat compounds as well as that of vitamin A, selenium, two sulfur amino acids, and some vitamin C. It also works as a natural vasodilator and anticoagulant.

    2. Benefits: Vitamin E is what keeps you looking younger; it prevents cellular aging due to oxidation. It also helps prevent oxidation of bad cholesterol. Vitamin E can supply the oxygen to your body, giving you more endurance. It also protects your lungs against air pollution. It can help prevent various forms of cancer, increase the ability of disease fighting t-cells to function, and helps inhibit breast cancer cell growth. Vitamin E can help dissolve blood clots, as well as alleviate fatigue, and reduce the risk of cataracts.

    3. Fun Fact: Women going through menopause should increase their vitamin E intake. It helps protect against nitrogen-based free radicals, which are involved in diseases such as cancer and Alzheimer’s, as well as other age-related diseases.

*Inositol is a vitamin-like substance found in many plants and animals. Inositol has many health promoting benefits, including:

  • May reduce anxiety by affecting Serotonin
  • May help control blood sugar by improving insulin sensitivity
  • May improve fertility with PCOS
  • May reduce symptoms of Depression
  • Very safe, with zero to little side effects

Inositol is one of the supplements found in our Lipo-Mino injection (the skinny shot)