IV Therapy FAQs

IV Cocktails | IV Vitamins | & More

We know the first place everyone looks for info is on the great world wide web. So, we’ve done the research for you and we’re here to answer all of your IV therapy questions in one place! Please let us know if we missed anything; we always want to find new ways to feed our minds, and our bodies with healthy information!

  • Our RN will review your paperwork and chat with you about what to expect. Once you’ve consented, she will insert a small tube directly into your vein. This tube is attached to a bag that will hold all the vitamins and minerals you’ll be getting as well as the saline to get you rehydrated and feeling great in no time. Once you’re done, you can get right to the business of being your best self!

  • People can choose to have IV therapy for a variety of different reasons. We can tailor a package to directly meet your individual needs. Whether it be an infrequent but uncomfortable bout of jet lag or a hangover, we can schedule a quick fix to have you back on your feet. Some of you will choose to have IV treatment more frequently due to the ability to absorb 100% of the vitamins we administer. It all depends on your lifestyle and individual needs. Talk to us and we will help you decide when and how often you should schedule an appointment.

  • Getting an IV can be different for everyone. An entire treatment can take anywhere between 30-45 minutes, so we suggest planning on hanging out with us for an hour. We’ll let you relax in one of our reclining chairs and listen to music, scroll through your Facebook feed, or have a quick nap.

  • We have tried to make our prices very affordable to everyone. Our ingredients are all medical grade, and are very costly. We have included our staff of Medical professionals right into your total experience and it’s still less than a trip to the Emergency Room! Purchase a package and become one of our regulars. You’ll love the cocktails we have to offer, Buffalo!

  • We get it. Not everyone enjoys getting a needle in their arm, and some of us have a lower tolerance for pain. Rest assured, our staff is well prepared to answer all of your questions and concerns, and make you cozy during your Bflo Hydration experience. We’ve got experience starting IV’s as quickly and painlessly as 1-2-3. Most people will only feel a slight pinch. Afterwards, you may have a minor bruise at the insertion site, but that should resolve over the next few days.

  • We do not accept private insurance, Medicare or Medicaid. Our services are still less expensive than a lot of copays, or a trip to the spa!

  • Most everyone can safely receive our IV cocktails, but there are a few exceptions. Minors (under 18) and people with specific chronic diseases are not eligible for IV therapy. If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding you can still have treatment, but some medications may be off-limits. Our Nurse Practitioner will work closely with our RN to review your history. Please make sure to clearly state any medical conditions, allergies or illnesses you have prior to your treatment. We may tweak your cocktails based on the information you provide.

  • IV therapy can be an effective way to treat dehydration in pregnant women due to morning sickness. We advise our clients to consult with their OB/Gyn before receiving IV therapy during pregnancy.


    IV treatment can help to treat vitamin deficiency and provide essential nutrients when nausea and vomiting make it difficult to keep food down. Contact our office and our staff can answer any other questions you might have about IV therapy during pregnancy.

  • There are instances in which you may require written approval from your treating physician. We recommend contacting us to determine whether or not this applies to you.